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24-Sep-2019 • Corporate

ME today announced cuts to its variable home loan offers for investors by as much as 49 basis points.
The bank will cut investment rates for both principal and interest, and interest-only home loan offers.
All changes are effective 24 September 2019.
The headline variable rate changes are as follows.


Loan amount

Current Variable Rate


New Variable Rate2

Comparison Rate

Flexible Home Loan Member Package1, Investor, Principal & Interest, ≤80% LVR


3.77% p.a. 


3.69% p.a.

4.06% p.a.

Basic Home Loan, Investor, Principal & Interest, ≤80% LVR

Any Amount

4.17% p.a. 



3.70% p.a.

Flexible Home Loan Member Package1, Investor, Interest Only ≤80% LVR


4.12% p.a.


3.89% p.a.

4.19% p.a.

Basic Home Loan, Investor, Interest Only,  ≤80% LVR

Any amount

4.34% p.a.


3.89% p.a.

3.79% p.a.


Things you should know

  1. $395 annual Member Package fee applies.
  2. Interest rate is current as at 24 September 2019 and is subject to change.
  3. Home Loan comparison rates calculated on a loan of $150,000 for a term of 25 years, repaid monthly. WARNING: These comparison rates are true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in different comparison rates

Disclaimer: Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. Applications are subject to credit approval.


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