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10-Apr-2017 • Corporate

ME is giving away 50,000 free Easter eggs and staging a Facebook Live Easter egg hunt with a $1,000 reward this week.

The activation encourages people to make informed decisions around their money this Easter and all year around using ME’s online school of money, ed.

ME Brand and Digital Director, Ingrid Purcell said ME’s activation is timed well given around a quarter of Australians are often financially unprepared for Easter.

“Easter is often the little sister to Christmas in that there are many expenses to consider and pay for, but unlike Christmas, it tends to creep up on us. Before you know it you’re hit with the cost of overpriced chocolates, gifts, food and drink for entertaining, weekends away and interstate travel to visit family.

“With the assistance of ed, people can not only curb Easter spending going forward, but learn valuable life lessons that will set up their financial future for years to come."

ME’s Facebook feed will stream clues to the secret whereabouts of a ‘golden ed’. The first person to find and crack it open will win $1,000.

In addition, ME will be giving away around three tonnes of ‘Easter ed’ chocolates across Australian metro commuter hubs.

Purcell said the bank is keen to raise awareness of ME’s online school of money, ed − a major proof point of the bank’s new brand philosophy of helping all Australians to get ahead.

“At ME, we know that money worries are one of the leading causes of stress among Australians. Fortunately, learning more about our finances can help. That's why we created ed.

“We want as many as people as possible – customers or not – to visit ed to boost their financial know-how and in doing so remember that ME was the bank that helped them get on top of their finances.”


Editor notes: For the Facebook Live Easter egg hunt, keep an eye on the ME Bank Facebook Page.


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