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01-Apr-2021 • Corporate

Still can’t give up the COVID comfy?

Made from 100% ME-rino wool featuring anti-laundering properties, ME’s Bucksuit is the ultimate in financial comfort, designed to reflect our post-COVID spending habits.

Bucksuit features include:

  • Built-in sleeve pockets to house bank cards and digital wallets, so you can tap and go with ease.
  • Hip pockets have been removed for a svelte cashless look – who carries cash these days anyway?
  • A budget-tightening hoody drawstring for tunnel vision when you need to block out unnecessary spending.

“The Bucksuit is a modern twist on the humble tracksuit − Australia’s official uniform over the past 12 months − combining comfort with financial savviness to give you an undeniable look of financial confidence,” said ME Money Expert, Matthew Read.

“ME’s Bucksuit will take the sweat out of banking and give customers extra street cred-it,” he said.

Want to try ME’s Bucksuit on for size? Bucksuits will be available from 1 April in five vibrant colours.


Legal notes: ME will not be held liable for any bad spending decisions that happen while wearing Bucksuits. ME-rino is in fact completely…fabricated…and is instead just regular wool. Inactive wear has been known to cause the following side-effects – lethargy, Netflix binging and faking excuses to get out of social activities. Bucksuits are actually 100% fake, unless you like them, then they aren’t.

Media contacts: Please contact jennifer.timm@mebank.com.au or natalie.wilson@mebank.com.au

See full video

Introducing the Bucksuit
Made from 100%25 ME-rino wool
Built in card pocket
Padded trackies

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