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If you have any of the following accounts, you may need to declare the amount of interest you received and paid in the financial year, as part of your personal tax return. 

  • SaveME Account
  • HomeME Account
  • Online Savings Account
  • Term Deposit
  • InterestME Savings Account that earns interest
  • Home loan for an investment property

For savings and home loan accounts, on your account statement ending in June, you’ll find the total yearly interest amount in the top right corner. If you’re registered for online statements, we’ll send you an email as soon as these are available. You can also check out our article for help finding your statements in the mobile app or internet banking.

When to expect your statements.

SaveME and HomeME Account – Every 6 months, or you can request an interim statement at any time in the ME Go app. Interest summaries will also be made available in the app. Tap Profile > Statements & docs > Interest Summaries. Your interest summary will be listed when it is available.

Note: Please use the information provided in your Interest Summary for tax purposes. The amounts listed as ‘Interest earned previous financial year’ on your in-app account screen and regular account statements do not include any interest adjustments made during the year.

Online Savings Account – Twice a year after June and December.

InterestME Savings Account – Quarterly after June, September, December and March.

Term Deposit – Only available on terms of 7 months or longer, issued 6 months from the start date, rollover date or previous statement date. For all terms, an interest summary letter is provided at maturity. You can view these letters in internet banking under ‘Accounts’.

Flexible, Basic and Standard Home Loans – Twice a year after June and December.
Ultimate Offset Account: Loan Facility – Twice a year after June and December.

Ultimate Offset Accounts: Transaction Facility – Quarterly after June, September, December and March

If you’re eager to do your tax return sooner, you can use internet banking and Excel to add this up yourself. This might be easier on a desktop, but you can do this using a mobile device too, through a browser like Chrome or Safari.

How to calculate interest received.

ME Go app.

ME Bank app.

Internet Banking.

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