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Just opened a term deposit with ME? Make sure you get your money deposited so it can start earning that sweet, sweet interest.

Direct debit

If you nominate a bank account, either with ME or another financial institution, we can debit the money from that account and transfer this directly into your term deposit. Just make sure you’ve got enough funds sitting in the account.

Direct credit

You can transfer the money into your term deposit via direct credit. The transfer details will be on the term deposit confirmation email we send to you.

A couple of things to keep in mind to make sure that your transfer doesn’t bounce:

  • You’ll need to transfer the total amount in one go.

  • Make sure the funds aren’t sent via telegraphic transfer.

Just make sure the funds are received within three business days, otherwise your term deposit account will be closed.


If your account is a business term deposit, you can also send us a cheque with your application form at:
ME, GPO BOX 1345,
Melbourne VIC 3001

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