The legal stuff.

The legal stuff.

1. SaveME Account Bonus Interest terms and conditions. 
The Bonus Interest Rate applicable to your SaveME Account will apply: 

For each calendar month where you made four or more card transactions in the previous calendar month using the Visa debit card linked to a SpendME account in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint name accounts) as your SaveME account. Transactions that are pending do not count as a transaction for the previous calendar month and will be counted in the following calendar month; and To the combined balance of your SaveME accounts up to a maximum combined SaveME account balance of $500,000. 

If you don’t meet all of these bonus interest conditions you will receive variable base rate interest only, however in any month we may without notice waive the requirement for you to meet all of these conditions.

2. HomeME Account Bonus Interest terms and conditions.
The Bonus Interest Rate applicable to your HomeME Account will apply:

For each calendar month where:
  • A minimum of $2,000 was deposited into your SpendME account in the previous calendar month from an External Account. The SpendME account to which money is deposited must be held in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint names account) as your HomeME account;
  • The closing balance of your HomeME account on the last day of the previous calendar month was higher than the closing balance of your HomeME account on the last day of the calendar month before that  (excluding interest paid by ME or any adjustments processed by ME)
  • to the balance of your HomeME account up to $1,000,000. 
  • 5.55% p.a. is payable on balances up to $100,000.
  • 3.00% p.a. is payable on balances between $100,001 to $1,000,000
  • 0.55% p.a. is payable on balances >$1,000,000

If you don’t meet all of these bonus interest conditions you will receive variable base rate interest only, however in any month we may without notice waive the requirement for you to meet all of these conditions.

Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. This is general information only and you should consider if these products are right for you.

Interest rates current as at 13-Sep-2024 and subject to change.

Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android, Google PayTM and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. 

5. The above rates are based on interest paid at maturity for terms up to 12 months and interest paid annually and at maturity for terms greater than 12 months.

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