Chat with ME about a new home loan on 1300 843 064 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 9am-5pm) or request a call back at your preferred time.

Get tinkering.

Make your home loan repayments work for you – not the other way around.


Ahead on your repayments? You can redraw money from your loan at any time, for free (minimum $500 each time).

Cash in a jiffy

Changing repayments.

You can change your repayment amount yourself, right now, using internet banking.

Change it up

Early repayments.

Make extra repayments and cut money and time off your loan – and calculate exactly how much you could save.

Pay it down

Financial Difficulty Assistance

If you are struggling to meet your financial commitments,

Get in touch with ME

Making payments.

Got questions about making your home loan repayments? We’ve got answers.

Repay, your way

Update your loan.

Times change – your loan should too. Get the lowdown on keeping your loan up to date.

Top up.

Got your heart set on a purchase, holiday or renovation? Get the cash you need from your loan.

Get more

Check up.

Is your loan keeping up with the times? Find out with a loan health check up.

Loan health check

Split loan.

Split your loan – and go part variable, part fixed, for the best of both worlds.

Time to split?

Offset account.

If you’ve got savings, you could be paying less interest right now, with a 100% offset account.

100% offset


Home loan feeling a little behind the times? See how much ME could save you.

Save me


Got home loan questions? We’ve got plenty more answers for you.

Get answers


Our top five ways to pay off your home loan sooner.

Pay it down sooner


Use our calculators to suss your repayments – and see how you could save with early repayments.

Calculate this
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